Anyone Can Be in Your Grasp With These Vashikaran Tricks, But….


Simple Tricks of Vashikaran

Vashikaran means to make a person in your favour or bind him to do things according to your wish. These functions are normally done with the help of Tantra-Mantra and ghosts.

Use Vashikaran Mantra for the Right Thing

Use Vashikaran mantras only for good and right works, otherwise it can make a bad effect on you also.

Take Advice from Knowledgable Person , Before Using The Vashikaran Mantra

Before doing any mantra, one must consult with the astrologer or some wise person atleast once. All vashikaran’s methods are very effective but it must be kept in mind that you use it for the right thing in the right way.

Attract These People With Vashikaran Mantras

Our Vashikaran mantras can be used to attract various persons written below: To get the love of a husband, to get the wife’s love, to get the love of the girlfriend, to get the love of the lover.

Different types of Vashikaran Mantra

Kaamadev Vashikaran mantra, mohinee Vashikaran mantra, kaamaakhaya Vashikaran mantra, kaam gayathri Vashikaran mantra, shaabar Vashikaran mantra etc.

Vashikaran Tricks

This vashikaran tricks and mantra can be used in many places and this gives instant results. First of all, gather 27 teeth of ass and tie these teeth with horse hair. In the morning sit in the east direction and repeat the mantra written below.

“om namo bhootanaath samast bhuvan, bhootaanee saadhy hoo.”
Mantra should be repeated 3 times a day and that also for 101 times in each time. Your work will be achieved after getting the energy from this mantra.

Keep in Control by Feeding Finger Nails

Cut your fingernails and mix it with the food of the woman with whom you want to do vashikaran tricks. The woman will be totally in your control, once she eats this food.

Keep in Control by Graveyard Mud and Finger Nails

Mix mud from graveyard and finger nails from your hands and legs on sundays on any month of sukla paksha. Combine this mixture with the food of the person whom you want to control. Feed this food to the person you want to control and after eating it, that person will be under your control.

Do Control by Mixing Semen in Peda

During Amavasya, mix your semen with Peda and take a round around a potter’s house in the reverse direction holding this mixture of the peda.When a woman eats this peda,she will come under your control.

Vashikaran With Jasmine wood in Milk

Take the jasmine wood on a Sunday and mix it with nutmeg and resin. Then mix it with milk and make a pill. Give this tablet to that woman. When she eats it, the vashikaran tricks upon her will dominate and she will come under your influence.

Vashikaran With Photo

Vashikaran with photo is a very old method used by our ancestors. Indeed, Vashikaran is a very powerful method in which without a force you can control the other person in your life.

Vashikaran Mantra

“om bhagavatee bhag bhaag daayanee dev dantee mam vanshy karu karu svaaha”.



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