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The Jupiter Planet – The Path to Your Potential
[/heading][vc_column_text]Jupiter, known as the planet of luck and good fortune, is always depicted as the center of the zodiac as per the ancient Greece and Rome. This planet is known to rule various areas like religion, publishing, legal profession and philosophy. With Jupiter as a sun sign, the person is known to be a risk taker and is known to be having emotional currents. Jupiter known as the Air Sign is known to give the person a world of ideas. The Jupiter planet plays a very significant role to show how opportunities come in the way of the person.
Jupiter in Birth Chart and good luck
If you really want to know if Jupiter is in your birth chart, then you must read this! This is said to be in your birth chart if this is the sign and the house position is Jupiter at the time of your birth. Having Jupiter as a birth sign is known to give great fortune and helps in producing great ideas. This is one planet which determines if your life is smooth and if you are generous or not. This also reflects your level of optimism.
The Jupiter planet acts as a pull towards the aspirations in the person. This shows the inner drive, the density, gets the person some helpful friends and also signifies fateful events. This also signifies some very lucky breaks in the life of the person, unlike any other planets in astrology.
How the planet Jupiter would affect one’s life completely depends upon the position of the house. Complete information on the same can be had by the in depth study of the symbol of the Jupiter and the birth chart of the person.
What is Jupiter Return?
After a transit of 12 years, Jupiter is known to come back and meets the natal Jupiter. The return of Jupiter is known to bring in Luck and that would usually be a very lucky year ahead. This gets the person in the right place and at the right time.
Jupiter returns back with an interval of 12 years and this is known to be the year when the money would start flowing in. You would suddenly find people coming up to you and helping in all aspects. The person also becomes clear with his intent and this helps in yielding some big results too. To achieve the most during this time is to direct it towards what you like and what you want the most, and see the magic happening.
Things which can be fruitful during Jupiter Return
• Travelling or to re-locate
• Joining other associates from the same field and getting enrolled for workshops
• Invest in time to achieve the dreams
• Always try and keep yourself immersed in what you like the most and passionate about.
• Try and spend time with the people who show the trust on you and who always cheer you up.
• Always remember to feel lucky and always move ahead with a positive approach towards life.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_text_separator title=”Astrological Planets Pooja” color=”vista_blue” border_width=”5″][vc_column_text]
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