Situation of Jupiter in the fourth house means that the person is endowed with riches and vehicles, always joyful, industrious, having interest in astrology, endorsed by the state, an obedient son and is a like the power of a shining light in his family. The presence of a strong Jupiter in the 4th house causes the person to be born in a prosperous family.
A Jupiter as an owner of the 4th house and sighted by malefic planets results in inauspicious outcomes to the person and the union of Jupiter, Moon and Venus allows the person to enjoy the luxuries of vehicle and domestic life. The effect of individual destiny shall be bestowed upon through the power of an enlightened soul from the mother’s family.
Following is the opinion of the author of the “Lal Kitaab” regarding presence of Jupiter in the Fourth House of the Horoscope:
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- Shall be a famous personality in his village, city or the locality amongst thousands and millions of people.
- Shall not have to earn through his own hands but the goddess of wealth shall be in his fold, yet keeping him at a distance from avarice and greed. Beautiful wife, able progeny, pleasure of being child to worthy parents, merciful, owner of a palatial residence in addition to blessings of education and knowledge, help from the nature and luxury of transport shall be obtained.
- The Father of a person who has Jupiter in his 4th house owns the power to judge the trials related to cases of murders or is a highly placed official or will become one soon after his birth.
- Shall create a mark in the whole family like a pearl in the Oyster, shall command a positive influence from the trends of the society, shall be the owner of the earth and the celestial worlds and shall beget luxuries of life.