Effects of the Jupiter in the Seventh House of Horoscope


Presence of Jupiter in the Seventh house of the horoscope is a person of beauty, is affectionate towards women, keeps interest in women other than his own, is of patient nature, is lucky and has interests in Astrology. Wife is dedicated to the husband and is religious in nature. She is conducive in facilitating benefits to her husband from her parents.

Combination of Jupiter as an owner of the third house, by its weakening in the lower position and under influence of malefic planets like Mars and the like is an indication of absence of elder brothers to one’s father. In case of a brother, he leads a life of miseries. Donning of “Yellow Sapphire” the gemstone of Jupiter benefits the health of the brother of the father and the father is also prevented from loss of finances likely to be incurred through his elder brothers.

Following is the opinion of the author of the “Lal Kitaab” regarding presence of Jupiter in the Seventh House of the Horoscope:
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  • A good and healthy condition of the moon shall decide the outcome to wealth, prosperity and progress.
  • Dowry received from the in-laws family shall render benefits.
  • Shall be proactive in undertaking religious pursuits shall be a successful traveler and a helping personality of repute, yet on account of the domestic circumstances even upon relishing the basic enjoyments of life upto an age of 34 shall crave for a child (male). After attaining the age of 34 even if it is gets too late he shall be destined to see the face of his own child earliest before attaining the age of 45 years and he shall be absolved of all the agonies and ill-fates. He shall also not die in debt.
  • Shall be an expert in several trades and astrology, widely experienced in ways of life, of a comfort loving and fun-frolicking nature and despite that shall not be desirous to amass wealth.
  • Shall care for maintaining a high class position for his elders, shall possess high levels of wealth and belong to a highly positioned family in the society, will follow a high society lifestyle, Shall help the others through his own wealth and riches but for his own-self he shall have to strive for undertaking hard-work equivalent to fulfillment of the basic wants for food i.e. despite his being wealthy he shall earn his daily bread through hard work. He shall be devoid of any person to extend him a helping hand, despite this he shall be highly recognized in the royal courts. Shall not care for the children during his young years and crave for display of his wealth and hobbies. One should not be astonished if he has to yearn for money in his old age.




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