Presence of the Moon in the first house of the Horoscope i.e. as an ascendant, renders the person to be physically Strong, full of luxuries, leading a happy and contented life, in business and of a giant and a heavy body structure. The Zodiac sign situated in the first house of Horoscope is termed as “Lagnesh”. In cases where this sign of the First house i.e. “Lagnesh” is weak then the person is afflicted with diseases. But if the “Lagnesh” is under influence of a benefic planet then the person keeps good health and is enriched after undergoing a conflict or a trial in the courts of law. Presence of a high positioned Moon in the Ascendant render the person to father many children. He is never short on wealth and luxuries of life. In case of presence of a weak moon in the First house, the person is inflicted with diseases of the eye, is of a frenzied nature and of a lower standard, carries pain and lives in poverty.
Following is the opinion of the author of the “Lal Kitaab” regarding presence of Moon in the First House of the Horoscope:
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- He shall generally attain an age of upto 90 years. He shall be respected and will be successful in the royal courts. He shall experience the common pleasures of life for twenty seven years and shall be specifically blessed with the pleasures of raising children.
- Shall be an owner of intellect and riches.
- He shall never be under paucity of riches and other necessities of life and shall never be short on age as long as he remains obedient to his parents and seeks their blessings.
- He shall enjoy the pleasures of vehicles and transports of all kinds. There shall be prosperity and growth of riches bestowed upon him. He shall lead a quality life.