Who should don this gemstone: Akin to the pearl, emerald can be donned by any one. It is immensely profitable for the persons with the zodiac signs of Gemini, Virgo, Leo, Taurus, and Libra. Generally Emerald can be worn on any of the fingers of the either hands but the Little finger is supposed to be the finger of the planet mercury.
Emerald is supposed to be specific to enhancement of wealth. It is beneficial for persons carrying out trade of any sort, suppliers and agents. Emerald is the only Gemstone which is supposed to be the enhancer of wealth and profession. It is auspicious for teachers, saints, worshippers and sages. Emerald is good result yielder for mathematicians, astrologers, professors, performers of yagna, orators of Vedas and story tellers. It is also very good for performing artists like singers, dancers, orators etc.
Time: If the Shlesha, Jyestha or Revati Planets fall on a Wednesday, the occasion is auspicious or on a Wednesday during the Hora of Mercury, the emerald stone should be donned.
Method: Prior to donning emerald stone it is advisable to give metals of gold, silver or bronze in charity. Thereafter, it should be cleaned by “panchamrut” in a bowl of gold and after establishing it through worship and prayers it should be ringed in the finger of the person by a person of fortune or a lucky son-bearing mother. Subsequently as per one’s capacity one should give away in alms seeds of yellow lentils, seeds of the aconitifolia (moth bean), Ghee and Sugar. Self-recital or getting recital of the hymn of the Mercury should also be undertaken.
Periodicity: Emerald embedded in jewellery will yield results for 15-20 years also. If emerald is embedded in a crown in sufficient quantities it does not deteriorates for hundreds of years but a ringed emerald yields fruitful results for a period of around 3-4 years only. People of high standards replace every fourth or fifth year. The used stone should be given away to a needy and a poor person.